E-Bike Ambulance

E-Bike Taxi

E-Bike Water Transporter Uganda

Our AfricroozE e-bikes can be used in many different ways and are a valuable help on site.

e-bike ambulance

e-bike ambulance

In rural Africa, there is only little chance of reaching a medical facility in time in case of an emergency. Children and pregnant women are particularly at risk. This changes with the fast e-bike ambulance:

  • Patients call the clinic via cell phone, which dispatches the ambulance
  • The ambulance takes the patient to the nearest clinic at speeds of up to 30km/h
  • …and thus saves lives (especially mothers, babies and children)

It is used in rural clinics and is available to people free of charge.

Purchasing such an e-bike is very difficult for the poorer parts of the population. If you would like to support local people, you can donate to an AfricroozE e-bike ambulance through the non-profit association EURIST.


Donate for an ambulance e-bike via Eurist

Success story of a user

e-bike taxi

Bicycle taxis are increasingly being replaced by motorcycles, which cause air pollution, noise and countless accidents. This changes with the cheaper e-bike taxi:

  • Mobility is becoming more affordable for many people
  • e-bike taxi drivers earn more money
  • … and protect the environment with zero emissions

It is mainly given to unemployed young men.

Here, too, you can make a donation to EURIST to help people with low incomes be able to afford the purchase of an e-bike taxi .


Donate for a taxi e-bike via Eurist

Success story of a user

e-bike water transport

600 million people in Africa have no access to clean water because transport routes to the nearest water source are very long. This changes with the powerful e-bike water transporter:

  • it quadruples the charge
  • is four times faster than walking
  • … and particularly relieves the burden on women, who are usually responsible for procuring water

It is given to women’s groups and is used by many families. Here, too, we would be pleased to receive your support in the form of a donation via EURIST so that as many women as possible can use an AfricroozE

Donate for a taxi e-bike via Eurist

Success story of a user

e-bike delivery

Quelle: UN-Habitat, 2023. EU> SOLUTIONSplus Project in Dar es Salaam.

Success story of a user

Contact / Imprint

AfricroozE GmbH

+49 (0) 40-53 27 87 40


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